JB - Stuffy's Card Room - Rocklin - $6-$12
JB 50 Cent - same - $10 - $20
TC $1 - Not listed - there is a listing for the Tower Club in Broderick with a yellow $1 but a different mold (Dia-Sq) but the same place also had a LgCrown $5 that had the $5$ stamp on the back. Does your's have a $1$ stamp on the back? If so, it could be from the same place.
JUS - Not listed
HMR - Not Listed
J D - Not listed for this mold
Eb - Not Listed
ARK - Salinas - $3-$10 - not sure your color is listed
ACD - Not listed
ACA - Not listed
JBL - Not Listed
BML- Not Listed
TA - Bill Adamo's Card Room - Cameron Park - $5-$10
Gordy's Club - Roseville - $12-$25
LH - Lafayette Hall - Sacramento - $7-$15
KN - Not Listed
We need to get together for that cup of coffee one of these days....