> Now if he screwed me over I'd be giving you
> all the facts what a low rat fink he is. Hasn't
> happened yet with me.
It's happened with me, and that's all I (and others) are doing with him on the board - giving all the facts about what a low rat fink he is.
> Maybe the chips got lost in the mail, do
> you think alot of the postal people are
> honest? Don't you watch Dateline? I hunt
> with 3 Postal employee's, from what I hear
> they hire alot of Temps to work (things
> disappear). Now if all the chips you bought
> from Vic disappeared, then something is wrong
> someplace.
I bought 9 chips from Vic, and they all arrived combined in a single envelope, after he said he couldn't give a shipping discount because he didn't combine shipping. It's kind of hard to blame that on the post office.
> I hate to bring up the Italian thing but...
> I was told never to trust one.
Ah, a bigot. You were responding to a fellow with a possibly Italian last name, and I am 25% Italian of Sicilian descent. You didn't win any points with either of us, or anyone else, I'd imagine. Vic has a bad reputation because he's a dishonest swindler, not because he's possibly Italian.
> Hope this answered your questions,
It certainly did, if one of the questions was "Is Dave K. a prejudiced bigot?"
Keep the ethnic slurs to yourself.