I would like to cordially invite one and all to browse and peruse my all-new website.
www.2chippers.com and www.TyrusRex.com have completed the merger and we're proud to announce the new site is now up and running smoothly. www.lasvegas-chips.com is still separate but will join the other two sites soon.
I've added hundreds of items including chips, posters, Jewel Frames, copies of older issues of Chip Chat, books, binders, airtites. and more! I'll be adding items daily for months to come, filling up all the categories on the left side of each page.
Today, I'll be adding some newly purchased chips as well as filling orders and responding to all of the emails I've received in the last few days.
So stop on by and look around! Enjoy your visit and let me know what you think. I'll be happy to answer any questions that I can.