Maybe Discussion Board was wrong terminology used on my part. I was envisioning more of a BLOG type of thing on a website where folks could inform others of finds, etc. in real time.
Or maybe it'll just stay a mail list, I don't know yet. I'd like the folks who sent me emails about their interest in the group to also suggest what they would like to see happen.
The main reason I chose to discuss Fractionals off of the ChipBoard, is that in the past couple of years I've been reading the CB, not much discussion, or research has occured. For the most part the CB has had mostly ,
posts. Don't get me wrong, those are all a very valid part of the CB. The part that drove my post to outside the CB is the arguing!
Many of times a simple question about a chip has turned into a Knock-down, Drag-out fight, that had (has) nothing to do with the original question. The fueding has taken the CB to a new low!
I wanted to have an avenue where folks can talk about chips again, specifically chips we collect as a group, that being fractionals.
And that, Andy...Is why I've chosen to possibly break from the discussions here.
I'm sorry if I stepped on any toe's, but some toe's needed to be stepped upon!
The CB and the are intertwined. I've seen past posts from newbies (I hate that term), who have questioned us about the arguements. Is this a face we want to show? Granted this is a Free-Form Discussion Group, but it's the first group new members see.
This is JMO, and I take any and all responsibility for it's content and inflection.
==Michael S. Pellerin==