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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Does anyone know if the seller is a club membe

Although this is heresay, I did hear he was a club member who is rotund and likes donuts as much as chips.....

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Tony's Club chips on ebay, a shady auction...
Re: Tony's Club chips on ebay, a shady auction...
Re: Tony's Club chips on ebay, a shady auction...
He said ...
Re: Tony's Club chips on ebay, a shady auction...
Does anyone know if the seller is a club member?
Re: Does anyone know if the seller is a club membe
Geez Mike, That describes about half of us rofl
I'm certainly not skinny, but...
Now were only talking 1/3 of the club membership
Discount...Heck, it is only $12 to get it shipped!
Comes by the way of armored USPS vbg
He is charging ...
I agree about chips and donuts...
Re: I agree about chips and donuts...
Re: Does anyone know if the seller is a club membe
Its a real shame that someone associated with our
I agree, best to inform the buyer..
2043 clams
Re: Tony's Club chips on ebay, a shady auction...
I asked him for a shipping discount...
I do not defend the auction in any way,
David, I'll go out on a limb and defend the....
Jim..Re-read the auction description
David, right on! I missed that and therefore...
Re: David, right on! I missed that and therefore..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg