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The Chip Board Archive 12

Four Queens 25 cent illegals

Anybody remember those black and red 25 cent Four Queens chips that were not produced for the Queens, but some individual had them done that was discussed on this board several months back?
I have discovered a set of two of them in my collection that I am selling off. Is there any collectible interest in them on the board?
contact me at my email address if interested.

Messages In This Thread

Four Queens 25 cent illegals
Re: Four Queens 25 cent illegals
Re: Four Queens 25 cent illegals
Chip Are NOT illegal
Quite correct - should be illegal though vbg
Re: Quite correct - should be illegal though vbg
Would it be proper to sell them on ebay though?
Re: Would it be proper to sell them on ebay though

Copyright 2022 David Spragg