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The Chip Board Archive 12

1930's Reno memorabilia

Just got these today and wanted to share them. The top four are match box labels. Nevada Bar was in Sparks, 1930's, Stag-Inn, Reno 1933-1945, Washoe Bar, Reno, no further info. Snug Bar, no info. The bottom is a business card for the Washoe Cafe, Reno, only open one year, 1931. The great thing is that addresses and some names are shown. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Doug in Kingman, Az.

Messages In This Thread

1930's Reno memorabilia
Nice Labels Doug
Re: So glad you want to share...
Nice Doug, what are the hours at the Stag Inn?
Re: Nice Doug, what are the hours at the Stag Inn?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg