Two things about this email that immediately give away that it's fake.
1) When AOL subscribers send emails between each other they don't have to put in the TO: area they simply put the username and that's it and when you receive an email from an AOL user only the username will appear in the From: (i.e. FROM: AOLUSER) not USERNAME@AOL.COM and in the TO: area only the recipient’s username (i.e. TO: USERNAME) will appear again not USERNAME@AOL.COM.
2) Access to AOL content is not through the HTTP:// protocol it is through AOL: (i.e. AOL:123456) this is to prevent any non-AOL subscribers from accessing content which is exclusively for AOL subscribers such as WCBS-FM Radio in New York which streams their broadcast on AOL.
With that I want to remind everyone that AOL and other Internet Service Providers do not send requests for billing or other account information via email. If you get such an email contact your ISP immediately and let them know you are receiving a spoofed email.
== Rick Schwarz R-5723 ==