I agree with Armin's post that is is best to have both his compilation and Eastman's book. Armin's list doesn't have any pictures but he does have good descriptions - mold, color, etc. Eastman's book is pretty out of date at this point - it was published in 1998 - but it does have black and white pictures of a lot of the older chips. I have no idea where you could get a copy now days - Larry does read the board on occasion and will perhaps contact you. I got my copy directly from him. He was also working on an updated version with color images a year or two ago but I have no idea of the status of his effort.
You can also look on my web site for images of some California card club chips - far less than all though.
I also agree with Carl post that a good number of California chips are very hard to come by and the values are very difficult to determine.