There's still time to order my new Official US Casino Chip Price Guide 3rd edition. At just $30 priority mail paid with my autograph. Paypal to or send a check or money order to:
Ace, Inc.
4371 Lucas Ave.
Las Vegas, NV. 89120
Offer good until Good Friday the 25th of March. As long as your envelope is postmarked by this day you get the deal.
This new book is dedicated to the collectors who have passed on. Sadly there were many over the years.
We have adopted the Official CC>CC Casino Chip Grading Standards. There are now 3 all new levels of pricing chips.
The Las Vegas section is 144 pages and the whole Nevada is 300! Tons of new finds and new casino's both new and current were added along with new pictures of chips and casino images throughout.
A complete Hard Rock section as well showing many chips and listing the mintages and values.
On page 324 is an old picture of pioneer chip collector Phil Jensen leaving the Star Casino in Winnemucca with a rack of tokens in 1982!
You would have to travel across the country to see all the chips we have pictured in here! These chips are from many of the major collections both current and collections that have been broken up over the years. We were fortunate to photograph the famous Grossblatt collection and without Gene's great Atlantic City collection this area of the book would not have these photos. Many of his rare Nevada chips are shown as well.
This book covers not only Nevada but the 3 towns in Colorado, Deadwood, Atlantic City and all the River boat states! Fully indexed too.
A rarity guide, many notes of interest about specific chips and all new prices revised. Every single one!
Thanks to all that ordered and those that sent nice letters. Enjoy the book and our great hobby.