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The Chip Board Archive 12

What the heck? eBay Is this ivory??

The chip in this auction sure looks like my yellow plastic Monte Carlo chip that I'm sure is nowhere worth what this auction is going for. The auction description calls it "ivory".

Am I missing something here? Did they also make these in ivory? It just looks like the color is washed out in the scan to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Here's the link to the auction:

And here's a picture of my own chip. Compare it to the one going for $100+ and make me an offer. vbg I can see a difference in the pattern in the recessed circle on the $5 side, but otherwise it's pretty much the same.

Messages In This Thread

What the heck? eBay Is this ivory??
Re: What the heck? eBay Is this ivory??
Not ivory. Celluloid-type plastic (Day's 3a) ...
correct; here is what ivory looks like
I have one dupe; I'll sell it for $35 postp'd-insd
Here's a sharp example of what ivory looks like

Copyright 2022 David Spragg