I agree James! We should ban aluminum cans, candy wrappers, Styrofoam food containers just to name a few. Those users the whole world is a garbage can, just look at your streets, highways and parks! Also, lets ban cell phones in cars and public places like theaters and restaurants, no one wants to hear some jive-#$%'s loud conversation. Next, let's ban cars, no one wants to breath what they put out! Great logic, but I can't figure if you want to ban smoking in bars for health reasons (most use that excuse) why then are you drinking? Medicinal purposes? Hahaha
Oh yes, and ban passing gas in public too!
Seriously, I agree some places should not have smoking, others should have smoke free areas and yet others should be exempt, like bars and casinos. I see this about like I see illegal aliens crossing the border and requiring everyone here to speak Spanish.