Thanks for the info Mike.
Here is further response from Michael by email direct to me.
"Wow! What a fast response Les, I did not mean to sound offensive or rude. Just the facts LOL
The property started out as a mining claim in the early 1930's and was developed into a 'childrens theme park' in the late '50s. Then became
Fort Lucinda until about 1967 and then evolved into the 'Gold Strike Inn', which burned down in the late 90's and was rebuilt into the Hacienda, which exsists today--- the government has always wanted the place gone since day one, -- and it appears they are going to get their way as the current proposal is for the govt. to buy the place and demolish most of it and keep some for the bureaucrats to enjoy as a 'conference retreat'. (it has the only gaming licence between the arizona/nevada state line and vegas, two miles from hoover dam)
Regards, Michael