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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: David Spragg you can't possibly know it all

IMO they will store the old chips until the 120 day redemption period is up and destroy all at one time.
Most casinos have a company come to the property and do it.
Since it costs to have them destroyed I doubt they will do it twice. But stranger things have happened. grin

Messages In This Thread

David Spragg you can't possibly know it all
Re: David Spragg you can't possibly know it all
Is it possible to get racks of the $2.50 chips?
I doubt it very much grin
Re: David Spragg you can't possibly know it all
I'll go "destroy" them for FREE
They did use the word destroy
Re: They did use the word destroy
I just called the Shoe
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Is David Spragg the club's president?
Not yet and no thank you grin
Oops - wrong club. grin I am president of the
Re: Oops - wrong club. grin I am president of the
I saw that in your other post vbg
(Message Deleted by Poster)
The website is under construction...
ROFLMAO!! rofl
LOL - I should have left my post up vbg

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