I guess everybody does things differently when selling on Ebay. Some go above and beyond and others just do a half a**ed job. This is my Ebay credo.
I believe it is my responsibility to give accurate descriptions and good pictures. Not fuzzy over exposed or so dark you can't see the item.
I believe it is my responsibility to provide adequate information in the listing so that folks don't have to waste their time and mine asking questions.
I believe it is my responsibility to include a bit of history, legend and lore, in the description where evident.
I believe it is my responsibility to charge you what the carrier charges me to ship. I believe repeat customers get free shipping. They deserve it. I believe ad fees, bubble wrap, peanuts, envelopes are a cost of doing business. If the stuff you are selling doesn't provide a great enough profit to cover those items you should probably be doing something else.
I believe offering an extended payment period is a good idea. I often offer 30 days to pay when I have a large amount of auctions. It attracts bids I might not otherwise get.
I believe in throwing in a freebie with an order. Folks always like getting something free.
I believe it is good to get to know your customers. I have made many friendships by talking and emailing with my buyers. In the process I learn much and find people to answer my collecting questions.
I believe it is my responsibility to Email each buyer when their payment arrives and tell them when their purchase has been shipped.
I believe it is my responsibility to immediately post feedback. Feedback should not be held hostage. If you are worried about them posting a negative you are doing something very wrong!! The buyer has paid me and completed their end of the deal. Now, it is my responsibility to have them happy with their purchase.
I believe it is my responsibility as a seller to immediately correct and resolve any problems with the transaction should any arise.
I believe it is my responsibility to not encourage buyers to get on "The Ebay Bus" or any similiar conveyance. Crap like this will irritate more people than it will please.
That is just one man's opinion but it has worked beyond belief for me.