Don Logerwell has advised that the Highly Structured, $1 Chip Fropm Anywhere, Round Robin has landed at his place. He has pulled and replaced four chips and will be sending the RR to the next recipient in line (Paul Donohue).
To view the "Pulled/Added" chips (and the start-up chips) just visit this page:
From right to left you will see the progress of the RR. Starting with 32 chips (three from the initial 35 were omitted before shipment) progressing to the first stop. The four removed chips are in the scan, while the replacement chips are viewed by clicking the rotation arrows below that image.
For those who may have missed my earlier post, this RR is for uncirculated (or new-only) $1 chips. I plan on doing the same thing for a $5 RR, as this one gets closer to completion.
Thanks for looking.
Jim Follis