I wanted to share some back problem info that has helped me. I seriously hurt my back while coaching about 30 years ago...went to our team doctor(?) who was an ortho. He fussed with it with braces et.al. for a week. An old coach at the school told me the name of a chiro, a women working out of an office that looked like a third world abortion clinic that was scarey. I hobbled in with great difficulty and walked out an hour later!!! She roughed me up and taped some BB-sized steel balls in several places around my back.
I thought she was crazy. She told me to never sleep on my back or stomach and put a small pillow between my legs. I do and have not had a back problem since.
I can't recall who in this thread mentioned kidney stone pain meds but that'd be right for your pain. I've had both gout and stones and they both hurt about equally - very badly. I take indocin when I feel a gout attack coming and breeze right through, only had stones once...that's enough.
Try the pillow and good luck. As with the others in this thread - I feel for you.