That's interesting. Every casino's marketing computer has it's own weirdness....
With Palms, maybe it's because you're in the UK????
I really like the Palace Station deal...just 500 points in a years time, and 3 nights plus the comedy show that I never go to (wonder why- imagine..."Hey baldy..."- I'd kill 'em.)
I've been rated at Sams Town for 12 years; never a problem, lots of offers and tournaments...BUT last summer, barbara flew out to visit her sister and I told her to sit at a particular Double Bonus and not get up until 4 Aces....
long story short, it bounced me out of the computer, and now she gets all these offers...explanation: demographic supposition. She used her own card (big mistake)...the computer figures that a 50 year old woman who played one machine for hours (at my behest no less) is a better prospect than a 40 year old male who spreads his dough all over the casino. Plus, they will only send one mailing per address. Grand- I've got 200,000 points and no offers....had to play the phone game, speaking with dippy operators, then some jerk in marketing...Finally I asked for an executive host...The rest is history...she also asked why I didn't have a personal host for all these years...
"Hee-haw" lol