........ from our "Pope" .........
You would love to think that I have bidblocked 75% of ebay, which is the logic that you and your buddy like to perpetrate and distort about me ............ that is hilarious .... !!!
Here is Reality:
As much as this board thinks it has any impact on much of anything, it represents less than 1% of either mine nor any other seller's chip selling business that I know of.
Therefore, as self-important that you think you all are, I assume that you really meant that maybe 75% of vocal CB posters are blocked ... which might be 7 or 8 of the obnoxious 10 .......... ????
I guess that would equate to .0075% of ebay total chip business ....... !!!!!!! Wow, what an impact !!! And I gather that the other 99+% of real life out there just doesn't see or care about your messages about .......... oh well, you know ....
Pretty impressive statistics I would say !!!!!!