It means you have contributed to THE NEVADA CASINO ASHTRAY PROJECT.
The site is at:
If you are listed as a contributor you have space to tell about yourself, plug your business, website, book, just whatever you want to do. You can click on the "About Us" box and a list of contributors will appear.
For example click on Mitch Heller or Greg Stormberg and see what they did. Just send whatever you want posted and we will post it for you.
I know there are a few good folks that aren't listed yet but you will be.
Thanks to all:
Allan Anderson
Kevin Bailey
Mandi Birkinbine
Jill Bitner
Archie Black
Jim Bothwell
Don Boyer
Carl Brandt
James Campiglia
Sue Campiglia
Tom Choppin
Eric Cook
Charles Davis
Lance Deal
Doug Deems
Jim Dermody
Mike Dini
Mark Englebretson
David Feavel
Richard Fellman
Sharon Feltman
Jim Forsman
Pat Gavigan
Pam Goertler
Steve Goodrich
Paul Gregory
Norm Guerrero
Skip Harouff
Barry Hauptman
Chris Hedrick
Mitch Heller
Pamela Holmgren
Andy Hughes
Phil Jensen
Clint Jossey
Gene & Peggy Kaplan
Cameron Kissinger
Mike Klackle
Dwayne Kling
Chris Krauss
Frank Lonteen
Steve McLendon
Lane McWilliams
Debby Meister
Laurence Miller
Wayne Murphy
Allan Myers
Rene Nezhoda
Ernie Norgard
Janice O'Neal
Rick Olsen
Michael Petty
Mike Pulliam
Mike Quinlivan
Jim Rauzy
John Rauzy
Michael Richter
Lance Robertson
Dave Romagnoli
Allen Sandquist
Jim Sarra
Terry Shaffer
Richard & Beverly Siri
Greg Stormberg
Chuck Sweppy
Don Totoian
Gabriel Vallido
Joe Watanabe
Audrey Welshans
Lane Williamson
Floyd Smith III
Site Designer