Dear CCGTCC members,
I am delighted to start the task of assembling:
The purpose of the BUYER’S GUIDE--- and it is NOT a price guide-- is to enhance our hobby by providing cogent, precise information about the subject. The information would be presented in such a way that the reader would be able to make an “INFORMED” decision about a possible purchase in that category.
In each treatise:
We must be CAREFUL not to denigrate any particular aspect of any particular collectible.
We must be CAREFUL to avoid any hint of anger, frustration, condemnation, etc.
We must be CAREFUL to provide, in as few words as possible, our “TAKE” on the collectible we are writing about.
We must be CAREFUL to express our opinion in such a way as to be useable by the reader to assist them in developing a solid understanding of that particular collectible.
The Board of CCGTCC has empowered all of us to create this BUYER’S GUIDE. I am not the person who will create it. You ALL are! I am soliciting members of CCGTCC with all of their knowledge to produce this GUIDE. Each person who submits a “treatise” on one of the subjects, and I certainly don’t believe I have covered all of them, will receive credit for their contribution.
The booklet will measure, for now, 5.5” by 8.5”; therefore each author will have a half page to write on his/her area of expertise. In 10 point type, approximately 350 words!
The Board and I do reserve the right to edit your submissions. We will strive for accuracy and precision and will send back to you before inclusion, our version of your submission
Submit your “treatises” to me at:, do it now for the good of the hobby! Please use the word “GUIDE” in the subject box so I can find your "treatises" even if it makes it to my JUNK MAIL FOLDER! There are many knowledgeable folk in our hobby and I will be soliciting members individually as well!
Duplicate “treatises” on the same subject will be considered and possibly combined! Please feel free to submit "treatises" on subjects I have missed!
Nevada casino chips
Nevada limited edition casino chips
Fantasy chips
Atlantic city chips
Roulette chips
Cruise ship chips
Indian casino chips
Illegal club chips
California card room chips
Card room other states chips
Match covers
Swizzle sticks
Player’s cards
Flea market purchases
EBAY purchases
Estate sale purchases
Private collection purchases
Cancelled/modified/reconstructed chips
Counterfeit casino collectibles
Collectible guidebooks
Antique store purchases
Storage options
Display options
Sheldon Smith