My company uses flat screen monitors for both data collection and data analysis of Sleep Disorders Studies. We've been slowly switching over now for about a year. Presently have around 80 in the field being used. I've used NEC, Acer, Princeton and a few others.
I have to say without a doubt the best for the money is Princeton. They're clear and sharp and go-go-go. Ours are on almost 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.
NEC is great, but i see no noticable difference between those and the Princeton.
I believe Im getting the Princetons for around 450 each.
BTW, interestingly enough, the flat panels have a functional size of truely 19 inches, whereas the other are an inch smaller. A 19" really only measure to 18" etc.
I give two thumbs up to the Princeton.