The seller posted this set here some time ago. After receiving some offers opted to put it up on line. It is similar to a set I saw years ago in Cape Cod (where this seller is located) which the owner wanted (at that time) $12,000. I didn't have anything other than the three 0s so didn't buy.
In my opinion having seen the individual chips a set of three each would initially bring between $250 to $400. But after us chief crazies bought sets the holder would be left with the ballance. I would guess that about 25 sets could be sold for around $10,000. As the set is now over $15,000 still under the rserve and climbing, I supsect that the ultimate buyer just wants the set and has money to own it. It is a beautiful set. If I wasn't still paying maintenance and was still working for money I would pay around $12,000 for it. But obviously others will pay a good deal more.