Deb, we believe that there is only one chip fitting that description. It is N2889. My chip has the depth and shape of a Christy & Jones mold but the hat surface is not slick & shiny. It is often difficult to tell the difference between a C&J and a PaulSon or Burt Co. hat & cane. I have listed it as H&C but it can possibly be a C&J.
I bought my chip from Doug Saito in 1994 for $4.00. Doug had over a box of 100 at that time. I believe that my chip is the same as yours and the same as the one listed in James' & Steve's book.
James & Steve have fine publications and I am looking forward to their 3rd Edition. They will admit that their issue sequence is an estimate as they had no records upon which to list the issue sequence. Jim Blanchard, who worked at the Burt Company for many years and made the Christy & Jones chips along with most other distributor mold blanks, told me that many of James' & Steve's issue dates are incorrect. Blanchard is in the process of publishing a book which will give the correct dates from the Burt Co. chip files.
Most of the hobbies publications have some errors and I will admit that The Chip Rack has had its share. That is why we publish a list of "Retired Chip Numbers" in the back of our books. I believe that James' & Steve's book is in error on the availability and the value of this chip.