you're gonna go by Barry's word???? Boy, you really ARE a gambler!! LOL
My paypal id is the same as my email addy:
Try doing it though the once more. I believe its all fixed and running. That way, the invoice is generated and easy for me to track.
The new updated version with the additional 1,000 Non-Nevada scans will be out this week. With luck, I'll have it Wednesday and get them sent out the next day. The new update has now way over 3,000 high resolution scans!
You also get a ton of bonus scans. BY bonues scans I mean additional scans of roulettes and LE's that aren';t in the included preloaded collections that are part of the program. As I make more and more and more scans, I add them to the bonues scans folders and keep on giving them away free. Call it "value add". I'm just a scanning maniac.