That is the question.
Several people have asked why I used the term 'counterfeit' in my article. This is the reason.
1. A 'counterfeit' is an item which is an exact replica, or purports to be an exact replica of an existing article (as opposed to a fake), which is sold with the intention of deceiving someone.
2. I have proved beyond reasonable doubt that the chips made after the casinos closed differed in some respects from the originals (where there were originals)
Osborne openly sold the chips as 'counterfeit' (his own words). There was no intention on his part to deceive but there sure has been with almost every seller down the line since then. These chips changed hands many times. The deception was so good that maybe some current sellers genuinely dont know the history.
I will not say they were 're-manufactured' if they were never manufactured in the first place.