Mr Valvo.
I have asked you on NUMEREOUS occations to please refain from reposnding to my posts. Since you have no intention of honoring my request I am forced to make this post once again.
1) I dont remember you EVER requesting the use of my scan for your own posts.
2) I never offered these plaques for sale and never claimed that they were purchased.
3) I really dont understand the purpose of your repeated posts trying to slam me in some way.
4) Where am I doing ANYTHING Unethical or against club policy? In my opinion making referances of wrongdoing of another club member violates the club code of ethics on your part.
5) Do you really feel you are furthering this hobby? Do you even care about this hobby? What is your purpose for even being here?
In the future, if you wish to use another members scan as your own, please ask permission first.
And once again, I ask you in a nice manor (With no threat of legal action as you like to use). Please, Please, Please refrain from responding to my posts that have absolutely nothing to do with you.
Douglas P. Smith