.... many screens ago in case some of you haven't noticed ..... !!
I refuse to be involved in any more negative posts or bashing on this board, either about me nor anyone else !!!
Mr. Spragg wins in my opinion, and he and his lackey's can just go ahead and control this board and he can continue to ply his wares and offer comments on everyone else's posts .... !! HE WINS ......... I HAVE GIVEN UP !!!!!!!!
I still watch many times daily for my own enjoyment of the hobby, and will continue to contribute to light-hearted posts from time to time ........ Phyllis is the GREATEST with her daily humor ..... I really look forward to that .... !!!!
To all the great chippers out there that don't shoot their mouth off out here with negative posts, both on and off this board, I applaud you and you are great folks !!!!!!!
Thanks and Happy Chipping to All ..... !!
PS: If you think I am not serious, please see my nice responses to any postive followups to this post and also notice how LOUD my non-responses are to anything negative ..... !!!