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The Chip Board Archive 12

London Plaques info update

I posted before that I had access to some old plaques at the London Victoria (but only for face), and that I might take some to scan (lower denoms to sell)

I had a look at them today. I was a bit surprised to see that even though some were only 2 inch x 1 inch, they were all �500, �1000, �5000.

I was warned I might have a problem cashing them back so I left well alone. Cage manager said they are due for destruction soon and if he can arrange for them to be cancelled rather than broken he will. There were about 20 pieces. All the others have long since been destroyed. At worst he said he would take a color photocopy so we get the pics.

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for sale New London Chips/Tokens for sale
for sale New London Chips/Tokens 2 of 2 for sale
London Plaques info update
Re: London Plaques info update
You are on my list John grin
Note on the Grosvenor 50p and �2.50

Copyright 2022 David Spragg