I agree completely with you. If you got a letter from UPS Customer Service stating what you said, I would love a copy of it. I will take directly to an Area V.P. for investigation.
All I know is what comes directly from the UPS Shipping manual.
If someone comes to my UPS Store and wants to ship a "casino chip", I politely say "I am sorry, it is considered currency by UPS, and I cannot ship it" Yes, there are people that will ship it, but they assume the complete and total responsibility incase of loss. I will not, I prefer to be honest upfront. Thus, if you cannot ship it, you cannot insure it
p.s. I will be happy to explain "packaging standards" if you want, I do it 100x's a day, with maybe 10% actually listening and understanding before says, "no, I packed it, it is good to go"