The new Ebay feature we were talking about yesterday has more to be learned, They must have spent months dreaming up these rules.
Maximum Number of Offers
When you use Best Offer, you should only submit fair market Best Offers for an item. Buyers have a set number of Best Offers per item to ensure serious offers are sent to the seller. Note: the maximum number of Best Offers allowed could be as low as 1.
Maximum number of offers varies by categories
The number of Best Offers allowed per item is customized per category. Limits are based on activity in a category to make the most of Best Offer for both the buyer and the seller.
Reaching your limit
When placing your final Best Offer on an item, you will be advised to make sure your final offer is your best possible offer. This will help increase your chance of winning the item.
The seller will know the number of offers remaining per buyer
When a Best Offer is received, the seller will be able to see the number of offers remaining per buyer for a particular item. If you have offers remaining, the seller may decline with a message to submit a new Best Offer with a better price.