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The Chip Board Archive 12

My favorite Carnac bits...

Here are a couple that I'll always remember:

Carnac: "The S.A.L.T. talks"

Ed: "The S.A.L.T. Talks"

Carnac: "What happens when you have dinner with a ventriloquist?"


Carnac: "Shogun"

Ed: "Shogun"

Carnac: "What's the best way to get snappy service at a bank?"


No one will ever compare with Johnny.

Messages In This Thread

sad Johnny Carson Dies sad
sad Johnny Carson Dies, he'll be missed
My father was one of his joke writers....
Re: My father was one of his joke writers....
How do you say goodbye to a friend...
Re: How do you say goodbye to a friend...
My favorite Carnac bits...
Re: My favorite Carnac bits...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg