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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...

I was only given a few by a friend. But I wish I had more.

It was a real chore hunting up info on the "La Rue". Took months of researching and I nearly quit from frustration several times. I'm glad I didn't quit since I now feel I know it so well... I just love it and wish it would have gone on and on...

But what a fantastic story I found and what I learned about Las Vegas and all it's history...

I see people such as Wilkerson as the first who had a true vision of what LV could be. I won't give him all the credit that some would, BUT I also don't think that he gets anywhere near the credit he deserves.

Messages In This Thread

Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...
Re: Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...
Re: Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...
Re: Selling "La Rue" chips...
Can We Get a Straight Answer to Gene's Question???
Re: Can We Get a Straight Answer to Gene's Questio
Re: Can We Get a Straight Answer to Gene's Questio
Re: A straight answer? I'll try
Re: A straight answer? I'll try
Re: A straight answer? I'll try
You're not straight, why ask it of others?
Re: You're not straight, why ask it of others?
Why the cloak and dagger?
Re: you do not need to know!!!!!
Title of your post totally uncalled for.
Re: A straight answer? I'll try
Re: A straight answer? I'll try
Re: Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...
Didn't know their worth...
Isn't it interesting that La Rue chips...
Re: Isn't it interesting that La Rue chips...
Re: Isn't it interesting that La Rue chips...
Re: Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...
Re: Selling some rare "La Rue" chips...
Actually, I like the Hummel
Re: Actually, I like the Hummel

Copyright 2022 David Spragg