Amidst your rambling flaming posts today, you went WAY OUT OF BOUNDS on one of them !!!!
A great new chipper to our community named Paul Bachtel put in a nice word for me in the midst of your tirade, and your meddlesome self made a very derogatory post as to my integrity with my own good customer and great chipper ... !!!
For your information, I have cultivated Paul since his inception into chipping, and have gone out of my way to provide him actual links and information for where to obtain both reference books, the club website, this chipboard, and actually sent him the link to the club fakes page to help him distinguish the difference .. !!
You owe us both a profound apology for your post back to him questioning as to whether I provided the "correct" information and indirectly questioning my integrity to our new great chipper in public ....... !!!
I invite anyone who reads this post to chime in here and tell me if I am wrong here on this matter ...... Mr. Spragg has gone over the line here once again in my opinion ....... !!!