"Linking many of my posts together to make them all appear out of context"
None of the comments appear out of context - they all relate to exactly the same topic the very same one you quote yourself as "I am having trouble posting with a new subject" This 'subject' clearly bothers you. Many of us would like to know why? If you dont post then you wont have to worry about getting any reponses.
"I hold a 100 ton Coast Guard certified masters license in both power and sailing vessels and am a very experienced seaman and fishing guide. I also hold many banjo playing contest titles for my 31 years of entertaining expertise, and have performed very successfully on stage for many years here in Key West FL"
Maybe you ought to stick to one of those vocations. We wish you good luck.
But until you research topics first, and read and absorb what many of the other vastly experienced chipboard readers have told you before, you should refrain from posting comments on matters in which you are ignorant or at least not write in such a way that some people might even believe you know something about the subject.
Many of us try to help others (particularly new collectors) by advising them of things they should be wary of. One day you take one side, the next you contradict yourself. You are doing no-one any favors. Speaking of which... when you were new to this board, Gene and others tried to help you out. You later repaid them with a string of derogatory comments and abuse. Many of them dont even respond to your posts any more. Do you ever wonder why? Sometimes I wonder why I bother, but I refuse to let this $hit go unanswered.