>>>I am not asking permission to cheat ebay or deceive buyers.
Then I am confused. What's the discussion about?
How many discussions have there been on this very board about "excessive shipping" charges? We all know why sellers are doing it (it ain't a very well kept secret), the question is whether or not it is right.
I just bid on an item (not a chip) where the seller stated right in his auction that he would charge a $2.50 handling charge in addition to the cost of shipping. That seemed reasonable to me and I bid. If he had simply "inflated" the shipping cost, I may not have bid.
>>>Ebay is changing I guess we all have to adjust to it .
Ebay has the choice of increasing fees to cover ever rising costs or to simply let them eat away at thier bottom line.
Ebay sellers now have the exact same choice.
Good luck.