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The Chip Board Archive 12

To answer a question just asked..

If someone emails me a bid, I will place that bid on the board but not reveal the bidders identity unless they ask me to.

Messages In This Thread

Chipco ccgtcc Artwork 10 hour auction starts now!
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 1
Re: Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 1
$15 email bid placed
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 2
Re: Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 2
$20 email bid placed
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 3
$10 email bid placed
$30 email bid placed
$33 email bid placed
$45 email bid placed
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 4
$10 email bid placed
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 5
$10 email bid placed
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 6
$6 email bid placed
Chipco ccgtcc Artwork Auction Lot 7
$5 email bid placed
To answer a question just asked..
Auction closed - all sold.
Closed out - No computer on weekends vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg