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The Chip Board Archive 12

Todays effort is to collect money for drugs
In Response To: Very generous of you David ()

for Sri Lanka. Two of our local doctors are red cross volunteers. They fly out Monday pm. Pfizer's UK manufacturing plant is 2 miles from here. They have offered to open up Monday am and supply whatever we can pay for cash at cost of manufacture. Thats a very generous offer. Bottles of 200 antibiotics at $2 and various vaccines from 50c. About 1/20th regular price. We are going door to door collecting. Many people are giving up to Ģ50 ($90). This is in addition to the other fund-raising I talked about before. British Airways have said the doctors can take as much excess baggage as they have room for free of charge.

On another note, any of my customers from the board will appreciate that I will probably not have time to despatch any post before Tuesday. I have about 150 items from the last 3 days waiting to go out. Ive even had two people volunteer to help me with this after our current efforts finish on monday.

Messages In This Thread

Jetons Auction to help tsunami victims
Re: OK I'll start it with $25
Great Idea Carlos, I will bid $30
A very nice gesture - read on...
Very generous of you David
Todays effort is to collect money for drugs
I bid $33-my favorite number!
Hi 2,5 lovers- letīs bid. I add..
I'll make the bid $50.00
$44 is my new bid for the set of 12
Re: Palms Celebrity Poker Showdown 25 Added
By the way
Re: I'll Add This $5 Hard Rock Chip
Will add two of this chip
I bid $60.00 if someone hasn't yet!
I'll add this chip to the cause
Re: I'll add this chip to the cause
Re: I'll bid $130
I'll Add This To The Cause
And I will add two more chips
I Bid $150
$150 is not enough - phone SKIP and wake him up
Re: I'll up my bid to $175
Bid - $200
I'll bid $210..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg