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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: I hope this hasn't soured some people from try

Julie; Hello, I have never been in your Chat Room, almost came in once, at the beginning, but got busy with something else and for some reason have never tried again.....Any way, I don't do a lot of posting on the Chip Board, I do however visit it daily, and, I try and stay away from conflicts, but, from what I have observed, You are doing a Great Service/Job with the Chat Room. I Believe in: "Your Room/Your Rules". Censorship is needed (Unfortunately) because of all the _ssholes/troublemakers in the world! enough said!!!

Messages In This Thread

I hope this hasn't soured some people from trying
Re: I hope this hasn't soured some people from try
Thank you Andy!!!!
Re: Thank you Andy!!!!
Re: Thank you Andy!!!!
Re: I hope this hasn't soured some people from try
Thank you Butch!!!!!
Re: I hope this hasn't soured some people from try
Thank you Greg B for the hours you monitor
Re: I hope this hasn't soured some people from try
Hello to you too!!!!!!!!!
grin I love Julie's Chatroom...
Phyllis Barry and the others who emailed
Re: Julie I meant it to be a joke...
Re: Julie I meant it to be a joke...
Julie, Hang in there, Your are the best
Don't make me cry now Norm!

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