I went to my post office today to mail some items, I needed a lable for one of them so I picked up a priority mail label and cut off the top and bottom, now I had a plan label right....wrong. The clerk called out the supervisor. You will have to mail that item by Priority mail he said. I said WHY. because you have a priority mail label on the item. But I have cut it down and it no longer says Priority mail. The label was made for a Priority mail item and that is what it is going to be used for. said the supervisor. You are out of your mind I told him. No you are because you are now going to be charged $5000 for damage to United States Postage item. Try it I said... with that they called the police that had an office next door and had me taken out of the post offic, and told not to come back this week. Oh yes they said to put a new label on my mail THEY TOOK THE OLD ONE OFF SO THEY CAN SUE ME HE SAID.
I have plans to make his day... Stamps upside down on all mail. Have a large jar of honey that just may find its way into the mail box... no that's not his mail. I will come up with something.