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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...

From what I remember from Sunday School (cough, mumble, 40 years ago!) in order to fulfill an Old Testament "prophecy", the Roman soldiers at Jesus's crucifixion "cast lots" and gambled for possession of Jesus's clothes.

My dad's 83 years old, and I love him & Mom dearly, but the worst thing imaginable would be to have some sort of grudge held to the grave over something that really doesn't matter. The best strategy is to change the subject. As Linus Van Pelt said in the famous comic strip, "There are three things I've learned never to discuss in public: politics, religion, and the Great Pumpkin."

Also, Homer Simpson once said "Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else - and it hasn't - it's that girls should stick to girl's sports, like hot oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such and such."


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Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
You'll like this better
Don't show her this......
Last word; this seems reasonable
Wow! Good Stuff Robert, Thanks!
Thanks for the Great Effort!!!!!
Wonderful Robert - I wish I could remember it all.
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
I always find it interesting when...
Re: I always find it interesting when...
Just making an obvious observation. grin
Mark, You think thats bad, Someone recently told
Hey Doug......
You'll be in good company ...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the more Ans.

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