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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...

well Mark I must say she does have you. There really is not any where in the Bible that states "Thou shalt not gamble" But it does state "Thou Shalt not still". In gambling one places money to obtain more. Some one is loosing. Sure it is by choice, but how many people gamble to loose. Also in this life we do not get something for nothing. The Good Lord said to Adam, "By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou work all the days of your life". Just like anything too much of one thing is not good. If we can control our appetites, then we would be fine. Alot of us can gamble just for fun, knowing and expecting to loose. But it can wreck homes, marriages, and cause one to be addicted. The pure love of Christ is charity. Giving not taking. I don't know what else to say. Please!!! I know several people will read this that likes to gamble. I am not telling you you are bad. All I am saying is to not let it get out of control. Have a wonderful Holiday. And Mark I hope I helped a little. And remember collecting is not the same as Gambling. Take care ;-)

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Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
You'll like this better
Don't show her this......
Last word; this seems reasonable
Wow! Good Stuff Robert, Thanks!
Thanks for the Great Effort!!!!!
Wonderful Robert - I wish I could remember it all.
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
I always find it interesting when...
Re: I always find it interesting when...
Just making an obvious observation. grin
Mark, You think thats bad, Someone recently told
Hey Doug......
You'll be in good company ...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
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Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
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