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The Chip Board Archive 12

Don't show her this......
In Response To: You'll like this better ()

. Get-rich-quick schemes are a hoax.

A. They bring poverty, not wealth.

Prov 28:22 (cp. Prov 22:16)

"He that hastens to be rich hath

an evil eye, and considers not

that poverty shall come upon him."

B. The divinely established means of "getting ahead" is by work.

Gen 2:15; 3:19

Exo 20:9

2 Thes 3:10, 11

Eph 4:28

Prov 6:6; 12:11; 20:4

II. The greed (covetousness) that motivates individuals to gamble is sin.

Ex 20:17

Prov 11:28; 15:16; 23:4-5

Gal 5:21

Eph 5:3-5

Phil 4:11-13

Col 3:5

1 Tim 6:6-11, 17-19

III. Gambling is destructive.

A. Spiritually. It affects our walk with God.

1. It indicates a lack of trust in God's ability to provide.

Mat 6:25-34

Luke 12:15

Heb 13:5

1 Tim 6:6-9

2. True riches are spiritual and eternal.

Phil 4:19 "riches in glory in Christ"

Jas 2:5 "rich in faith"

1 Tim 6:18 "rich in good deeds"

Eph 2:4 "rich in mercy"

3. We should look to God as our Source of supply:

Phil 4:19

Eph 3:20

4. Gambling expressly denies God's sovereignty and care.

Mat 10:30

Prov 3:5-6)

5. A form of covetousness, gambling violates the tenth commandment.

Exo 20:17

6. Christians are called to a walk of holiness (separation from the world).

Eph 5:3

1 Thes 5:22

7. Gambling destroys contentment.

I Tim. 6:6, 10

Col. 3:2

Jn 6:27

Matt. 16:26

B. Societally. Gambling destroys families and communities.

1. Gambling robs money from the family, for which parents have a responsibility to provide.

2 Cor 12:14

2 Thes 3:12

1 Tim 5:9

Prov 15:27

2. Gambling distorts our love for our neighbor, exploiting the most vulnerable members of society: the poor.

Phil 2:3-4

Zech 7:9-10

3. Gambling is a bad example to others.

1 Corin 10:31-33

4. Gambling encourages stealing, which increases court costs; stresses out marital relationships by burdening finances ("He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house..." Prov 15:27); and forces reliance upon public assistance, bankruptcy, etc.

C. Personally. Gambling is self-destructive.

1. Gambling destroys our work ethic.

Gen 2:15; 3:19

Exo 20:9

2 Thes 3:10, 11

Eph 4:28

Prov 6:6; 12:11; 20:4

2. Gambling is rooted in greed, the love and craving for money, which is "the root of all evil."

Mat 6:31

1 Tim 6:10

3. Gambling is addicting. God wants us to be free!

Rom 8:21

2 Corin 3:17

Gal 5:1, 13

1 Pet 2:16

2 Pet 2:19


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Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
You'll like this better
Don't show her this......
Last word; this seems reasonable
Wow! Good Stuff Robert, Thanks!
Thanks for the Great Effort!!!!!
Wonderful Robert - I wish I could remember it all.
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
I always find it interesting when...
Re: I always find it interesting when...
Just making an obvious observation. grin
Mark, You think thats bad, Someone recently told
Hey Doug......
You'll be in good company ...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the Bible...a QUESTION...
Re: Gaming and the more Ans.

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