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The Chip Board Archive 12

Man, Don't get me started!!

.... He is "searching" for that "perfect job"!! He is a waiter at an upscale dinning establisment. I am proud of him and what he has done.... I am just ready for him to do some more (Get a REAL job! LOL and out of my pocket).

ADVICE: Enjoy your kids while they are young and you can still AFFORD them! vbg

Messages In This Thread

NCR Major Milestone in My Son's Life!!
4 door cars
Re: 4 door cars
Hmmm, Didn't think about THAT! vbg
Mike Poole...many, many thanks...
Re: Mike Poole...many, many thanks...
Another thanks from me!! grin
Re: NCR Major Milestone in My Son's Life!!
Re: NCR Major Milestone in My Son's Life!!
Man, Don't get me started!!
Re: Man, Don't get me started!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg