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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin

If you heat it hot enough for long enough you will have much less to drink. Horse p*ss is much cheaper and it comes warmed! vbg

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grin NCR • Sake Question...
Plumbers blowtorch grin
Re: grin NCR • Sake Question...
Re: grin NCR • Sake Question...
grin My thanks to both of you...
Re: grin My thanks to both of you...
I sell a few brands...
Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Butch,I wouldn't dare make a recommendation...
Recommendation??... Palamino, By All Means!
You are correct, BUT....
I agree! I would not want any Sake on me either!!
Not a big fan myself
grin Actually...
Re: I sell a few brands...
It's a very popular brand
I heat it in the micro rofl
Tom is right
And when he's on the road...another good use
Won't that KILL the Horse? rofl
grin NCR • Thank you, everyone...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg