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The Chip Board Archive 12

I sell a few brands...

I sell a few brands of Sake, and there are plenty of ways to warm it up. Most Sake bottles are actually strong enough that you can set them right into a pot with just an inch or two of boiling water and the glass bottle will conduct the heat to the rice wine quickly, or you can pour the sake into pre-heated sake glasses. Just curious, which brand are you trying?

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR • Sake Question...
Plumbers blowtorch grin
Re: grin NCR • Sake Question...
Re: grin NCR • Sake Question...
grin My thanks to both of you...
Re: grin My thanks to both of you...
I sell a few brands...
Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Re: Justin's question was for Phyliss grin
Butch,I wouldn't dare make a recommendation...
Recommendation??... Palamino, By All Means!
You are correct, BUT....
I agree! I would not want any Sake on me either!!
Not a big fan myself
grin Actually...
Re: I sell a few brands...
It's a very popular brand
I heat it in the micro rofl
Tom is right
And when he's on the road...another good use
Won't that KILL the Horse? rofl
grin NCR • Thank you, everyone...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg