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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: 19 Degrees Here In Boston &
In Response To: 19 Degrees Here In Boston & ()

50 degrees in mexico city... but since my apartment doesnt have heat and its gets down to 30 at night its mighty chilly. They say that it doesnt normally get that cold here. I've heard that before.

Messages In This Thread

19 Degrees Here In Boston &
Re: 19 Degrees Here In Boston &
Robert, You're Right But
Could be in Buffalo
I am and it was -2 this morning
9 degrees North Carolina
Re: 19 Degrees Here In Boston &
Re: 19 Degrees Here In Boston &
Re: 19 Degrees Here In Boston &
grin It's 14° in the Boston area now...
Thank You Very Much Phyllis grin
grin The same to you/yours...

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