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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the

Ken, it would seem to me that if one were to collect "all" LE chips issued by "all" casinos, then that would indeed be overwhelming quickly. However, in more established lines of collecting, such as stamps and coins, we observe that collectors specialize. It is only the dealers that carry as much variety as possible, and even they are not able to have some of everything (not even close, I should think). If we extrapolate from this, it would appear that the chip collectors of the near future would specialize on only a given number of casinos (Laughlin maybe, or all Harrah's, if that is possible) or themes (Halloween, say). Sellers will probably also have to specialize more since the cost of inventory they need to carry would be prohibitive otherwise.

Messages In This Thread

At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose their
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
I was a stamp collector.
Re: I was a stamp collector.
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Common sense?
Re: Common sense?
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Excellent attitude!
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Some LE's are valid
Re: Some LE's are valid
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Good point. A peek of the future ... ... ........
Very limited edition, but how collectable?
And Peeking BACK at You...
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Re: Collecting Chips
Re: Collecting Chips
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Re: Actually...
Re: At what point do 'Collector/LE' chips lose the
Just collect L.E. $25 chips!
You mean like this one ....?
Choice and selection can be a good thing...
To Simplify.....It comes down to two words
Thanks to all, for you opinions.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg