Aside from all the other issues, I find it interesting that this is a re-manufacturerd chip that originally had a different inlay.
It's horrible to think that someone can take just about any real chip or a particluar mold design and create a new (or replica) inlay and create a copy of a rare chip, in the process.
I know that a few people have been using the blank Nevada mold chips as calling cards, which with a HS attempting to make them unusable for reproductions. Or will someone figure out a way to grind them, resurface and make copies of scarce chips.
Reproductions in the antique market have the same problems. Some are made in Taiwan or China and marked with a label as "reproductions", but of course the unscruplous simply peal off the tag and sell them to people who are getting defrauded.
I enjoy collecting fakes and Fantasy chips, but not re-makes, copies, replicas, and inventions.