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The Chip Board Archive 12

Borland Fake-Fake Auction

This auction has been discused in a couple threads this week.

The seller states he is going to make 100 of them.
I am sad he sold 2 but happy he did not sell more.
I've had an email exchange with the seller, Sam Heppler, ebay name "fantasychips." I am posting it below. IMO he does not think it is wrong to make fake Borland chips that will someday cause havoc in our hobby when todays buyers sell them as real Borlands.
Another thought: The Dunes logo is a viable and current copywrite. I have spoke with the Lawyer who's name appears as the filer of the copywrite.
I have *** a name in Sam's email.
Is this your auction?
Are you the one making them?


Hello Gene,
I appreciate your input and respect your position, however I feel it necessary to let my auction run it's course. This is because I intend to file a formal complaint with Ebay. I noticed on the chip board that a few club members were pressured to remove their bids. It is very obvious in the way Mr. ****** handled the whole incident. The Rules and regulations of " Ebay " are Very Specific regarding use Of the contact a member feature. It should be only " To Facilitate a Transaction ". In this case it Has Been used to " HINDER " The Transaction Which Ebay frowns upon, because it cost's them their commissions. I have copied the Messages I have received as well as those posted on the Chip Board and will forward them to ebay as evidence.
Some of these people should be aware that It is also unlawful to make false & slanderous statements on a public forum that could result in character & financial Damage. I believe that I have gathered substantial material regarding this matter to initiate civil litigation. The description of the Items in My Auction Represent accurately what they are, nothing more or nothing less.

Happy Holidays: Sam

Sam, you have to do what you have to do.
I don’t do ebay so could care less.
Below you mention “character.” Do you think copying a collectable and causing havoc in a hobby, is good character?

Is a few dollars more important than “character?” The buyers will one day sell them as “real” chips.

You could make 1,000’s of different brothel, etc chips and no one would say a word.

Good luck to you.


Messages In This Thread

Borland Fake-Fake Auction
I am also sad that two of these sold
Gene, I'll bet you a 100 to 1
Re: Gene, I'll bet you a 100 to 1
Re: Bill Borland And Fame
Re: Borland Fake-Fake Auction
Re: Borland Fake-Fake Auction
Re: Borland Fake-Fake Auction
A Borland fake?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg